Today is a good day to be an Adobe Captivate developer!
For years now Captivate users have been crying out for the ability to include drag and drag functionality in their eLearning courses and thanks to a new Widget called
Drag and Drop Lite Question Widget that has just been released by the folks at
Infosemantics this is now at last possible.
I have been a fan of the widgets created by Infosemantics since they released their first widget as well as their
Widget Factory (an ActionScript 3 API containing class libraries for use by Flash ActionScript programmers when creating Adobe Captivate Widgets); so I naturally was delighted when I heard that they intend to address this huge hole in the Adobe Captivate feature set.

This widget - which by the way is available for both Adobe Captivate 4 and 5 - is not only extremely powerful but thanks to the intuitive user interface incredibly easy to use and just $27.00 USD something that no CP user cannot afford to miss out on.
What to learn more? Visit the
Infosemantics web site.